
Showing posts from May, 2022

Social Groups

A social group is made up of two or more persons who interact on a regular basis based on shared expectations and who share a similar identity. We all belong to a variety of social groups, as illustrated by this definition: our families, our multiple friendship groups, our sociology classes and other courses, the clubs and organisations to which we belong, and so on. We must have a role and status to accomplish as soon as we become a part of that group. A role is the part our society expects us to play in a certain status, whereas status is our relative social position within a group. People frequently have numerous overlapping statuses and roles, though. Membership in a social group provides us with a set of role labels that help individuals understand what to expect from one another, but these labels are not always straight jackets for behavior. (Source: The distinction between primary and secondary groups is wi

Views on Health Inequalities based on NFHS-5 FACT SHEETS.

NFHS-5 is a factsheet which provides vital information on health, population and nutrition for India and gives high quality data relating to family welfare, emerging issues in the area, recognizing requirement for new programmes and identifying those groups which are in need of essential services. In this blog, I am going to show my analysis on the state of Rajasthan and check whether Health Services available over there are uniformly distributed in the urban as well as rural areas. I will support my argument using several health indicators present in the NFHS-5 Fact Sheet. (Source: The various factors responsible for the rising inequalities in the state of Rajasthan can be summarized through the following points: A) There may be structural obstacles, such as a deficit of specialist doctors and minimal media exposure, that make it extremely challenging for rural inhabitant

Experiences with a) Role Conflict and B) Role taking

A) Role Conflict: This occurs when the workers are given distinguished and incompatible roles at the same time, their tasks are overlapping with any other employee, the worker is ordered to perform a task which goes against their personal values, people find themselves to be dragged in various situations as they try to react to the various statuses they hold. The greater is the conflict, higher will be the probability that a worker will be experiencing work-related stress. These conflicts arise because of the human tendency to get success and putting pressure on the employees by imposing demands which are competing against each other. (Source: The concept of group dynamics in the subject of psychology identifies role conflict where the members in a group believe that they are accountable for multiple roles within this setting. These roles may have different status and at the same

Organizational Change and Learning

  Organizational Change is all about the actions where a business or a company modifies a major part of its organization like the underlying technologies, its culture, internal processes and the infrastructure it utilizes to operate. Moreover, adoption of a new business model, new leadership within its departments or appointing a new leader in its  departments to head the company are several other organizational changes. The Manager takes the prime responsibility on making these business transitions successful by knowing how to direct, design and shape the change processes. (Source: In order to successfully carry out a change, it is critical to define it and create a roadmap which clearly measures and articulates success as well as elaborates how the customers, constituencies, employees as well as the business will be impacted by that particular change. Next, the Managers mus

Caste Based Reservation Policy of India


Organisational Culture

Organisational Culture  Hello everyone! Welcome to my new blog. Organisational culture is defined as as the underlying beliefs, values, assumptions, attitudes, written and unwritten rules and behaviour established by the leaders which have been developed over a period of time that characterise and contribute to an organisation's unique social and psychological work environment. It includes an organisation's experiences, philosophy, expectations and values which guide member behaviour and is expressed in member's self-image, interactions with outside world, inner workings as well as future expectations. Employers play a critical role in perpetuating a strong culture, starting with recruiting and selecting applicants who share the organisation's beliefs and thrive in that culture, developing orientation, training and performance management programs which reinforce and outline the organisation's core values ensuring that appropriate recognition and rewards are given to

Bhil: Tribe of India

 Bhil: Tribe of India  (Image representing geographical wise distribution of population of Bhil tribe) (Source: (Image representing Bhil Tribe of India) (Source: (Image representing Bhil Tribe) (Source: They are considered an Adivasi ethnic group present in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh- all located in the Western Deccan regions and Central India along with Tripura in the far-eastern India. The term 'Bhil' refers to several ethnic communities living in the forest and hills of Rajasthan's southern parts and surrounding regions of western India, indicating the popularity of bow and arrow as a weapon among these groups. The language commonly spoken by them throughout their geographic distribution is Bhili which has upto 36 identified dialects and is considered a blend of Gujarati